Friday, August 24, 2007



On October 27th, National Make a Difference Day, Woman's Clubs, EMD, Junior and Juniorette club members will come together at a single site in each district to assemble kits in support of their local Domestic Violence Shelters. The success of this project depends on the support of every club.

What an incredible impact the NJSFWC will make when we assemble First Night Kits, Birthday Bags, Anger Kits, and Bedtime Snack Sacks for Domestic Violence Shelters all across New Jersey!

Each club received an individualized pledge sheet which was based on the size of the club membership, number of shelters in the district and the needs of those domestic violence shelters. Clubs from across the state have embraced the project with open arms and a true willingness to help. Thank you to all of the clubs that returned their pledge sheets.

However, in spite of clubs’ generosity, donations are still needed. If your club has not returned their pledge sheet, it is not too late. Just check off the items your club will donate to this worthwhile project and return the pledge sheet, on or before September 30th, to the Day of Service Chairman, Shirley Holly at 10 Nelson Drive, Barnegat, NJ 08005 or FAX # 609-607-0612.

Blank pledge sheets are available online at ; click on the Events tab on the home page, and then the Day of Service link. Also available on the website are Frequently Asked Questions to better inform your members of this important project.

**Trick or Treat for UNICEF**

Although it’s still summer time it is once again time to pre order those UNICEF boxes to make sure you have plenty come October!

Head over to UNICEF and order your boxes now! When you are on the main page click on “Collect” on the left hand side. There you will find information on how other groups successfully raised large amounts of money as well as the order form to get your boxes. They will automatically be shipped to you in the fall – with plenty of time to distribute them to schools and clubs members.

~*~Order your boxes now; they will automatically be shipped to you when they are available. It’s a great way to get it done before the craziness of the school year begins!~*~

Don't forget to check out the Junior Website for lots more ideas and information!!

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