Our annual May "Plant Sale" has raised over $1,600.00 this year. This money is given back to local charities in our community. I'm not sure everyone knows what goes into this event. Gasko's Nurseries generously sell us, at a discount, their wonderful plants. This enables us to sell to our "customers" at a very reasonable price. One of our members takes on the task of organizing all the paperwork. Each PAJWC member sells to friends, family, co-workers. After all the orders are put in, our members then go to Gasko's and picks up the plants. We then deliver them to our "customers". Our customers get beautiful plants delivered to their door at a great price and for a good cause! So, we would like to thank not only Gasko's Nursery but the generous people in our community who buys our plants and to our members who participated in this event.
Another annual event is our Backpack Drive. One of our members, Marie Levine, organizes this event every year. She coordinates with Homefront to get just what each child needs. This year, we not only got 25 backpacks filled with supplies, but an outfit for their first day of school. We also were able to give school supplies to the Plainsboro Food Pantry. Again, we would like to thank all the generous people in this community for making this "Drive" a huge success.
Friday, September 5, 2008
PAJWC is Tooting their own Horn
Posted by Princeton Area Junior Woman's Club at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Princeton Area Juniorettes are at it Again!
We are so proud of our Princeton Area Juniorettes! So far this year they have done two community service projects.
On Saturday, May 31, 2008, they held a hugely successful food drive for the Plainsboro Food Pantry. Despite the monsoon like weather, the girls stood outside of Superfresh in Plainsboro and collected money and food supplies from very generous and wet residents in the area. On Monday, June 1, 2008 they lugged bag after bag from the parking lot to the 2nd floor food pantry. The girls enthusiastically sorted everything they collected.
Not resting on their laurels, they assisted in the first West Windsor Bike Rodeo in conjunction with the West Windsor Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance on June 7, 2008. This successful event had the girls explaining proper bike safety to young children. This was such a success that they can't wait to have the Juniorettes back next year.
The girls are also having a backpack drive. The PAJ in conjunction with Homefront are accepting backpacks, backpack supplies and even new sneakers and shoes for Homefront sponsored children. Contact fnklane@aol.com for more information. The drive ends August 1st, so start gathering backpack supplies now!
Posted by Princeton Area Junior Woman's Club at 1:57 PM 0 comments